Wednesday, January 16, 2013

8 Ways to Boost Your Energy

Reading the latest hot topics on Yahoo's homepage, is something I do every day. I get to see what is going on in the world today and also I always learn something new. Today was no different; I was looking around on Yahoo and found something that sparked my interest. Sometimes during the day, you just need a Pick Me Up. There always comes that time during the day when you get tired and sometimes just a quick walk around the office is enough to wake you up. For the most part though, most people need something a little more. Here are some tips from Sarah Jio from Health Magazine:
1.       The more you yawn the more you will wake up because it is the body’s way of basically waking up the brain because it’s being cooled down.
2.       After taking a 10 minute walk, you will feel revved for the next two hours.
3.       Have a good laugh, because it will raise your blood pressure and boost your heart rate.
4.       Look for something red. Seeing the color can make your muscles move faster and work harder.
5.       Stir some chia seeds into your yogurt. They are filled of B vitamins, fiber, and protein. They will give you a boost of energy without making you jittery
6.       Stand up and stretch, because it will stimulate the sympathetic nervous system
7.       Go exercise before work, according to a poll, 58% of people felt more energized after they worked out.
8.       Eat notoriously, eating omega – 3 fatty acids can improve mood and brain function.

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